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Вот ссылки. Речь идет о том, как Скотт исполнял упражнения до того, как начал работать со Скоттом Ливингстоном и после. Ливингстон в своем сообщении на странице в Фейсбуке разъясняет на его примере, как важно научиться правильно исполнять упражнения, чтобы не прийти в итоге к регрессу, травме.
Когда Скотт впервые пришел к тренеру, то исполнял эти упражнения не задействую в полной мере работу бедер, только верхнюю часть торса. Его беспокоили боли в Т-отделе позвоночника (я так понимаю, что это крестец), поэтому новый тренер разработал для него иную методику исполнения, при которой он может лучше стабилизировать позвоночник и больше работать бедрами при исполнении данных упражнений. В итоге после года занятий боли больше не беспокоят спортсмена.
Второе упражнение
Вот текст на английском.
July 14th
Don't make the mistake of prescribing the exercise, but not correcting the faults, or regressing and then progressing the exercise until the faults have been mitigated.
Intent - Context - Modality - Regression/Progression - Outcome
We can have all of the first three honourably considered, but miss the last two because we have them doing something they are unprepared to do, thus creating a poor outcome.
In the following videos you will see two movements that I had this ice dancer do when I first saw him, one was an exercise he had been doing with a previous trainer (the high low chop), and the other is a hip slide which I use for assessment, however he had been doing a upper body plate loaded version of this movement with a form of standing press on each lateral shift.
In the pre-video of the chop you will see that he has a great deal of difficulty coordinating his spine with the movement and as such a lot of shear is being created through his mid-T-spine.
When I first started working with him he had recurrent T-spine pain/dysfunction.
In the post video shot a year later (I don't do this exercise with him, but have spent time this summer building a more effective spinal coordination pattern under progressive loading strategies) we can see he has much more capability to establish a sagittal spine and maintain it through this high/low transition.
He no longer has bouts of T-spine pain/dysfunction.
In the hip slide pre-video we can see significant COG translation to the right and left where instead, he should be able to translate left to right a maintain a modicum of an inverted T position at the spine pelvis. His hip mobility on lateral translation was poor and as a result he would uptake through his spine pelvis which creates un-necessary overload of the spine in general.
In the post video we see his lateral translation is much cleaner and there is very little uptake through a COG translation.
Build programming in a progressive manner, and insuring that the outcome is high quality movement that off loads tissue that shouldn't be loaded, and loads tissues that should be loaded is the key to sustainability and robustness in our athletes.
Ну и предполагают, что Тесса-Скотт работают с артистками «Цирка дю Солей» над КТ (т.к. совместный ужин обозначен, как «испанский»
https://www.instagram.com/p/BWtof_zDQLz … llerskater